Wednesday, September 30, 2020

College Previews

We are fortunate to work with fantastic college admission counselors from across our area.  Even though things are different this year with COVID restrictions, they still want to connect with you.  During these previews, our admission counselors will join us virtually. If you are an in-person learner, you will report to the PAC at the time of the event.  If you are virtual learner, you will join us with the link provided by the college (zoom, google meet, etc).  Below are links to click to sign up to meet with them and great news - you can sign up for more than one!  After you sign up, a "ticket" will be sent to your school email.  If you are an in-person learner, this will serve as your hall pass to leave class - just show it to your teacher.  If you are a virtual learner, the ticket can serve as a reminder for the event.  On the day of the preview, a link to join virtually will be emailed to all students who sign up for the preview.

October 13 - 2:00 pm U of L in the PAC - Click to sign up with U of L

October 14 -  2:00 pm Transylvania in the PAC - Click to with Transylvania

October 15 - 2:00 pm UK in the PAC - Click to sign up to meet with UK

October 20 - 2:00 pm WKU in the PAC - Click to sign up with WKU

October 22 - 2:00 pm MSU in the PAC - Click to sign up with MSU

November 17 - 2:00 pm WKCTC in the PAC - Click to Sign up with WKCTC