Application packets for the 2021 United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP), funded by the William Randolph Hearst Foundation, are available. This program offers two student leaders from each state a $10,000 college scholarship and attendance at a Washington Week Online Conference to be held virtually March 14-18, 2021.
Any high school junior or senior student is eligible for the program provided he or she has not previously been a program delegate and is currently serving in a school wide, district, regional or state ELECTED capacity in a student government, civic or educational organization.
Student leadership positions held during the 2019–2020 academic year will be allowed to qualify students for 2021 if they are unable to hold the usual USSYP qualifying positions for the current academic year due to disruption caused by the pandemic. Counselor verification and judgment will determine which year’s leadership position will qualify every student.
Students will be required to completely block the timeframe of the program and attend all online events in order to serve as delegates and receive the scholarship. Selected students should also possess a keen interest in government, have above average grades and be very articulate, as they will be participating in discussion groups with national leaders. At least four finalists will be interviewed and may receive additional testing materials as a part of the final selection process.
United States Senate Resolution 324 established the United States Senate Youth Program in 1962. It is funded entirely by the William Randolph Hearst Foundation. Scholarship funds are forwarded to colleges or universities upon verification of student enrollment. Students earning this award must fulfill two requirements: 1) attend the Washington Week Online Conference; and 2) once enrolled in a post-secondary institution, include courses in government or related subjects in pursuit of an undergraduate degree.
Applications are available here: 2021 United States Senate Youth Program Application.doc
You will be completing and submitting this document electronically. Once the application is open you will have to select download to be able to type on the document. If you are unable to type on this document after downloading it then you'll have to email me so that I can send you the application. This document was sent to us in this format and can't be converted to a google doc.
The application consists of three essays and the deadline is December 31 however, applications must contain signatures. Students applying will need to obtain required signatures (mine or Mrs. Boone's AND Mrs. McCoy's) prior to Christmas break (December 18) to have the signatures in place while utilizing the rest of the deadline to work on your essays to submit your app by the December 31 deadline. Contact your counselor for more information on how to obtain those.
Signatures may be electronic or the application materials may be completed and scanned. Answers to essay questions should not be shared or discussed among students, teachers and/or the test administrator. All completed applications and essays must be returned to Donna Melton electronically by 11:59 PM EST, December 31, 2020.
If you have questions or concerns or need further information, please contact Donna Melton by phone at (859.595.6355), or e-mail
Details about the program were posted earlier - here is a copy of the original post
William Randolph Hearst Foundation = Washington Week ONLINE!
The 59th annual United States Senate Youth Program will be held in a fully virtual format March 14 – 18, 2021.
Students may qualify to apply through leadership positions they currently hold per the USSYP official criteria for the current 2020-2021 academic year, OR if students are unable to hold leadership positions this year due to the pandemic, they can submit a qualifying position held during the 2019-2020 academic year. All student leadership positions are subject to the judgement and verification of the state selection administrators.
I will post when applications become available this month. In the meantime read more about the program here: