Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Marshall Co. Republican Women Scholarship

Pat & Bobby Cole Scholarship


1. Be a female that will graduate from a Marshall County high school or home school with, at least, a B average.

2. Be a registered Republican or, if not 18 years of age, will be registering as a Republican at the age of majority.

3. Be of strong moral character, in both school and community activities.


1.  Complete and return the application to:     Barbara Fielder
                                                                    7611 Moors Camp Hwy.
                                                                    Gilbertsville, Kentucky, 42044

2.  Application must be postmarkedby April 1, 2021.

3.  Include with the application:

            A. Autobiography
            B. High school grade transcript
            C. Reference from one teacher
            D. One (non-family) reference
            E. Present yourself for a personal interview with the Scholarship 

4.  Applications will be judged by the following criteria:

            Academic Achievement            45 points

            Extracurricular Activities          15 points

            Political Activities                     5 points

            Interview                                    35 points


  1. Scholarship will consist of at least $1000.00 award to the winning applicant.

  2. Winner will be announced at Awards Night or appropriate forum at the winner’s high school.

  3. The scholarship will be paid to the college, university or trade school of the winner’s choice. 

Click Here to Download the Application