Thursday, January 11, 2024




The KYACAC "Achieve Your Dreams" Scholarship was named after a dear friend, colleague who had a positive and lasting impact on our profession - Kimberly D. Merritt.

High School Seniors are asked to complete the KYACAC 2024 Kimberly D. Merritt "Achieve Your Dreams" Scholarship Application  by the deadline of Friday, February 23rd. The application does require students to submit in 500 words or less an essay about someone who has impacted or inspired their college admissions process and state why they were beneficial in their journey into higher education. 

One $1,000 award will be given to each of the four regions in Kentucky (Northern, Central, Eastern, Western). The students receiving the award will be invited to attend the KYACAC Conference in Owensboro, KY during the Scholarships, Awards and Closing Lunch on Friday, March 15th.